The rainy fall weather sets the scene at the Élysée Palace as Bruno Retailleau comments on the end of the summer and the “Olympic truce” declared by Emmanuel Macron in July. The new Minister of the Interior has just arrived for the first Cabinet meeting of Michel Barnier’s government on September 23. Nearly all of the 39 ministers are present around the large rectangular table in the winter garden, with only the Foreign Minister, Jean-Noël Barrot, excused for his attendance at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The meeting marks a transition from the summer break to a renewed focus on government affairs, with the newly appointed ministers discussing their priorities and goals for the upcoming term. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of anticipation and challenge as the Cabinet members prepare to tackle the pressing issues facing the country. The absence of the Foreign Minister serves as a reminder of the global issues that will also require attention in the months ahead.

As the meeting unfolds, the ministers exchange ideas and proposals for addressing key issues such as security, economic growth, and social welfare. There is a palpable sense of determination among the group to work together towards achieving their collective objectives and contributing to the well-being of the nation. The challenges ahead are significant, but the spirit of unity and cooperation in the Cabinet suggests a strong commitment to finding solutions and moving forward.

The presence of the new Minister of the Interior symbolizes a fresh start for the government and a renewed focus on addressing domestic challenges. His participation in the Cabinet meeting signals a commitment to working collaboratively with his colleagues to address issues of public safety and law enforcement. The rainy weather outside serves as a fitting backdrop for the serious and focused discussions taking place inside the Élysée Palace.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, the Cabinet meeting at the Élysée Palace reflects a sense of optimism and determination among the ministers. The teamwork and collaboration on display suggest a shared commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing the country and working towards a better future for all citizens. As the meeting concludes, the ministers depart with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear focus on the tasks ahead. The rainy autumn weather may be a reminder of the challenges ahead, but it also serves as a symbol of the resilience and strength of the government as they continue to work towards their goals.

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