Successful people achieve their goals by effectively managing their brains, according to David Rock, founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute. Highly successful individuals make better decisions and know when to step back from problem-solving to allow their unconscious mind to do the work. To optimize brain function, Rock recommends paying attention to patterns in your attention span throughout the day. For example, you may notice that your focus is sharper in the morning before you are bombarded with tasks and distractions.

By noticing when your brain is most clear-headed, you can schedule your tasks accordingly. Rock suggests doing creative work first thing in the morning when your focus is at its peak. Save less demanding tasks for later in the day when you may be more easily distracted. Research conducted by Rock in his book “Your Brain at Work” shows that individuals who follow this pattern are happier, more productive, and less stressed. By aligning your most powerful mental moments with tasks that require deep thinking, you can ensure that you are using your brain’s resources efficiently.

To take your decision-making and problem-solving skills to the next level, Rock advises practicing this approach regularly. By becoming more aware of your brain’s tendencies and optimizing your schedule accordingly, you can enhance your productivity and overall well-being. This strategy can help you make the most of your brain’s capabilities and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands of daily life. Incorporating creative work first, followed by important tasks and then less critical activities, can ensure that you are using your brain’s peak performance times for maximum benefit.

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