The traffic light coalition is preparing for the next societal reform with the Self-Determination Act: the SPD and Greens want to ban abortions from criminal law. This ignores current laws that allow abortions under certain conditions and sells as progress what is ethically negligent. While the world remains in crisis mode, the societal transformation by the traffic light coalition is progressing. The Self-Determination Act is set to be passed, allowing for changes to gender registration through self-reporting. The commission of experts advising the coalition on legal reforms for abortion has revealed some of its positions. It seems that the dream of the SPD and Greens to remove abortions from criminal law, currently regulated under paragraph 218a, may come true.

The paragraph in Germany does not prohibit abortions but allows them under certain conditions. The compromise reached by the Federal Constitutional Court over 30 years ago strengthens women’s rights without ignoring the protection of unborn life. The push for “decriminalization” of affected women is exaggerated, as they are no longer socially criminalized. The church’s role as an ethical corrective in society is diminishing, as shown in a statement by the Evangelical Church in Germany last fall, which agrees with the coalition’s proposal on paragraph 218. However, the government, led by a chancellor who has left the church, is moving forward with developments that should make believers question.

As the church loses significance, the understanding of ethical boundaries diminishes. This is evident in the debates on abortions, euthanasia, organ donations, and the Self-Determination Act. The scruples in these life-determining questions decrease as society’s individualization is taken to the extreme. A government must be aware of the consequences of its decisions, but in the field of societal reforms, this is not evident. The issue of gender identity, which the coalition has dedicated itself to, has caused more harm than benefit even before the Self-Determination Act goes into effect.

Instead of sensitizing society to a social issue, the coalition has aroused widespread opposition. By questioning the self-image of the majority on gender-related identity issues, they have incited a strong backlash. It is not progressive, democratic, or wise to dismiss legitimate concerns as a “right-wing culture war,” especially regarding the protection of minors. The coalition’s portrayal of societal progress demonstrates a loss of ethical compass. The traffic light coalition should not be surprised by the massive resistance if they continue to turn democratic principles upside down.

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