Vox leader Santiago Abascal has escalated his ultrarightist discourse on Sunday, warning the government of Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE that his party will not stay silent in response to measures like the approval of an amnesty law. He stated that they will respond forcefully, even physically if necessary, if the government continues to advance as they have seen in other countries. Abascal criticized the government and the PSOE for legal measures taken against him for his comments on social media, and emphasized that Vox will respond strongly to accusations of political violence.

Abascal also took the opportunity to criticize the PP for suggesting that Vox should tone down their rhetoric against the government and the PSOE. He accused the PP of not being critical enough and listed the corruption, deception, and defense of the interests of certain individuals by the PSOE. Abascal also spoke out against irregular immigration, linking it to crime and insecurity for women. He called for more barriers to prevent the entry of immigrants who do not respect women, and advocated for the freedom of women to dress as they please without fear.

Jorge Buxadé, Vox’s lead candidate for the European Parliament, also criticized the PP for not taking a firm stance against the government’s distribution of illegal immigrants in regions where they are in power. He associated irregular immigration with poverty, unemployment, lack of coexistence, illegal occupations, drug trafficking, child prostitution, and insecurity for women. Vox is facing competition in the upcoming European elections from the Se Acabó la Fiesta party led by Luis Pérez, also known as Alvise, who is active on social media. Vox plans to focus its campaign on national sovereignty, opposition to the Green Pact and Agenda 2030, and border protection to prevent irregular immigration.

Vox is entering the campaign for the European elections with favorable prospects, as polls predict an increase in their representation in the European Parliament. However, they face competition from Se Acabó la Fiesta, led by Luis Pérez. Vox’s campaign will focus on key issues such as national sovereignty, opposition to international agreements, and border security. They will also criticize the PP for their perceived collaboration with the PSOE in the European Parliament and aim to mobilize abstentionists to vote for them. Subscribe to EL PAÍS to stay updated on the latest news without limits.

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