The recent report by the Civil Guard that exonerates the six individuals imprisoned for the murder, on February 9th, of agents Miguel Ángel González and David Pérez at the port of Barbate (Cádiz) is based on over three gigabytes of video files recorded that day by eight different cameras. The detailed analysis of the footage allowed the investigators to shift their focus after concluding that the narco boat occupied by the detainees was not the one that rammed into the agents’ zodiac, but another one. By creating a video composition that reconstructs second by second the movements of the boat that actually hit the two victims and injured four other colleagues, the investigators were able to determine that the authors of the double murder were the occupants of this second narco boat, while the six detainees were just witnesses to the event.

The final conclusion of the report is that the six detainees were merely witnesses to the crime, while the actual perpetrators of the double murder were the occupants of the second narco boat, which had at least three crew members. One of the detainees even recorded a video of the incident, which has been included in the case. These individuals remain in prison awaiting a decision from the judge regarding their situation, as they are still being accused of smuggling and belonging to a criminal organization. The report highlights two key videos that were crucial for the reconstruction of the events, one recorded by a Go-Pro camera attached to the helmet of one of the injured officers and the other obtained from social media showing the attacks on the patrol boat from an external perspective.

The combination of these videos and others obtained from various sources allowed the agents to fully reconstruct the events leading up to the fatal collision, capturing the moments when the narco boat left the frame in the first two videos. By overlapping and synchronizing the eight videos, the investigators were able to reconstruct the moments before, during, and after the deadly collision, thus identifying the narco boat responsible for the attack. The report details twenty relevant milestones during the less than three minutes of the fatal harassment of the patrol boat, revealing the allegedly deliberate attitude of the occupants of the boat identified as the cause of the agents’ death.

The report documents the successive offensives against the patrol boat, highlighting the aggressive behavior of the narco boat occupants who made repeated and dangerous maneuvers to ram the officers. The video footage and audio recordings captured the escalating tension and fear experienced by the officers as the narco boat continued to target them with increasing aggression. The final assault, which proved fatal, was meticulously described in the report based on the recovered videos and eyewitness accounts, identifying the moments leading up to the final deadly collision.

The detailed reconstruction of the movements of the narco boat leading up to the final deadly collision clearly indicates the intent of the occupants to deliberately target and attack the officers. The report concludes that the actions of the narco boat occupants, including shining a laser pointer at the officers and repeatedly ramming their boat, demonstrate a clear disregard for human life and a premeditated desire to harm the officers. By meticulously analyzing the video evidence and witness testimonies, the Civil Guard was able to determine the actual perpetrators of the crime and exonerate the initial suspects, shedding light on the tragic events that took the lives of two agents on that fateful day in Barbate.

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