Shayne Patrick Burke, a disabled Army combat veteran and wildlife photographer, survived a violent encounter with a mother grizzly bear in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Burke went hiking alone in the park in search of a Great Grey Owl, but encountered the mother bear and her cub instead. He was mauled by the bear, suffering serious injuries when she attacked him. Despite the terrifying experience, Burke was able to use bear spray to defend himself and ultimately survive the attack.

During his solo hike, Burke encountered the mother bear charging directly at him after seeing her cub run up a hill. He attempted to defend himself by unholstering his bear spray and shouting at the bear, but the mother bear continued to attack him. Despite his efforts to protect himself, Burke ended up on the ground, with the bear biting and slashing at his shoulder and legs multiple times. He believes that the bear was aiming for a kill bite on his neck, but the can of bear spray that he was holding exploded in the bear’s mouth, possibly saving his life.

Following the attack, Burke was left injured in the wilderness with improvised tourniquets on his legs while he waited for help. He was eventually able to contact his wife, who then called 911 for assistance. Burke was found by rescuers and transported to the hospital, where he underwent surgery for his injuries. Despite the severity of the attack, he is expected to make a full recovery and is grateful for the bear spray that helped him survive the encounter.

Burke expressed his love and respect for wildlife, even after the traumatic experience with the mother bear. He holds no animosity towards the bear and was concerned about her well-being after the attack. Park officials have confirmed the incident and stated that the bear will not be captured or killed as a result of the encounter. Grizzly bear attacks are not uncommon in the region, as the population has increased in recent years. Park officials advise visitors to give bears space, carry bear spray, and avoid leaving out food that may attract the animals to help prevent such encounters.

Despite his history of experiencing violence during his time in the Army, Burke described the bear attack as the most violent thing he has ever endured. He reflected on the moments during the attack when he thought he might not survive, accepting the possibility of death while waiting for help. Burke’s resilience and quick thinking, along with the effectiveness of the bear spray, played a significant role in his survival. The encounter serves as a reminder of the risks associated with exploring wilderness areas inhabited by bears and the importance of being prepared and cautious while in their territory.

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