A protest rally in Istanbul began with the recitation of the Quran, with AK Party Istanbul Deputy Yucel Arzen performing a song dedicated to Palestine. Speaking on behalf of civil society organizations, Memur-Sen General President Ali Yalçın stated that they will not remain silent until the occupation ends and the genocide stops in Palestine. Yalçın highlighted the fact that Gaza has been under siege for 17 years, with the entire region soaked in blood.

Yalçın emphasized that Gaza has witnessed the bloodiest destruction and the most brutal genocide in history for the past 365 days. He stated that Gaza has turned into a scene of a savage marketplace where hospitals, schools, mosques, marketplaces, refugee camps, and mass killing fields have been turned into. Yalçın pointed out that in 365 days, 17,000 children, 11,500 women, and 42,000 Palestinian brothers were killed, with unofficial estimates of martyrs reaching 118,000. Yalçın stated that it is not only innocent civilians dying in Gaza, but humanity as a whole.

Yalçın mentioned that Israel is a Nazi regime established by the US and Europe, while expressing that supporting genocide in the West is allowed, but supporting Palestine is forbidden. Yalçın called for the Islamic world to wage an Independence War against killers, as those who commit genocide do not stop and are spreading it to Lebanon with the power they receive from the West. He emphasized that the world needs to realize that the current deceptive system needs to come to an end.

Yalçın clarified that they did not gather in the squares to ease their conscience, but to show their loyalty to Al-Aqsa and stand by those who resist the oppressors. He declared that they will continue to defend the cause of Palestine. Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri, who attended the rally, also mentioned the support of Turkey and the entire Ummah with Palestine against the US and other countries backing Israel. Abu Zuhri praised the resilience and resistance of the people of Gaza despite the tons of bombs dropped on the region in the past year.

Abu Zuhri pointed out that despite the last attacks, Israel is trying to expand its war to broader areas, stating that there is no place for Israel in the Middle East and that Jerusalem will be free again. The rally saw performances by music groups such as “Grup Yürüyüş” and “Grup Genç,” who sang songs against Israel and the US. Prominent figures such as Presidential Advisor Israfil Kışla, Chairman of the Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge Bilal Erdogan, and Chairman of the Women and Democracy Foundation Sumeyye Erdogan Bayraktar also attended the rally.

The event concluded with a choreography representing professions such as Gaza doctors, journalists, and lawyers, as well as mothers and children. Dr. Şerafettin Kalay recited a prayer to end the rally, emphasizing the unity and solidarity displayed in support of the Palestinian cause.

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