Sports fans are accustomed to knowing their favorite athletes’ salaries, thanks to the work of beat writers who cover every team. This information wasn’t always readily available, but with professional sports under constant media scrutiny and the wealth of information online, it has become standard for every player’s contract details to be made public. The St. Louis Blues have taken this a step further by launching a microsite featuring every player’s salary information, displayed on a spreadsheet through the 2028-29 season. While some teams announce players’ salaries in press releases, no major North American sports teams have displayed this information on their website before.
This move by the St. Louis Blues provides fans with a user-friendly tool to engage with player salary data. For years, discussions around water coolers have revolved around which players are underpaid and which ones are a bargain. While the Blues may be alone in their willingness to publicize a salary table on their website for now, it could become a trend in the NHL. Every sports league has reputable online sources for player salary data, with websites like serving as a clearinghouse for this information across several leagues. was a pioneer in the NHL, showcasing player salary data in a user-friendly format before its founder, Matthew Wuest, passed away from colon cancer in 2015. emerged as a reputable source, following in CapGeek’s footsteps. The Washington Capitals eventually purchased in 2023, causing it to disappear., while limited in scope, also borrows data and format from CapGeek. With the launch of the Blues’ own site, there is an opportunity to raise the bar for a popular point of fascination among hockey fans in St. Louis and beyond.
The availability of player salary information has become a given due to the constant media coverage and abundant online resources. While some teams announce these details along with new contracts, displaying this information on a team’s website is a new concept. The St. Louis Blues’ microsite offers fans a unique opportunity to explore and analyze salary information in-depth through the 2028-29 season. Other teams may follow suit, potentially making this a trend across the NHL and other leagues.
Sports fans have long been intrigued by player salaries, with debates on who is underpaid or overpaid being a common topic of discussion. The Blues’ initiative to provide salary information on their website enhances fan engagement and transparency within the league. By taking this step, the Blues are setting a new standard for sharing player salary details publicly, setting a potential precedent for other teams to follow suit in the future.
Overall, the launch of the St. Louis Blues’ microsite featuring player salary information is a significant step towards greater transparency and fan engagement within the NHL. With a history of pioneering websites like and, the Blues’ initiative has the potential to elevate the availability and accessibility of player salary data for fans. This move reflects a changing landscape in sports media, where teams are more open to sharing detailed financial information with their audiences, ultimately enhancing the fan experience and fostering a deeper connection between fans and players.

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