Bungie recently announced changes to address complaints from Destiny 2 players about the difficulty of farming exotic class items, which are crucial for creating unique builds in the game. The sheer number of combinations to find makes farming these items much harder than any other exotic in the game. Bungie’s response includes a new bounty for Dual Destiny that will reward one additional class item per week, per character, and an increase in drop rates for the Overthrow event in the Pale Heart. Additionally, destination chest farming drop rates will be decreased to encourage play in the Overthrow event and discourage macro farming.

However, some players feel that these changes are not sufficient to address the difficulty of farming exotic class items. The single additional class item reward from the Dual Destiny bounty is seen as insufficient, considering how hard it is to obtain these items. The nerf to destination chest farming, while aimed at preventing macro farming, also impacts legitimate players who were using this method to farm for items. There are concerns that the Overthrow event may still not provide enough drops to make farming feel rewarding, leading to frustration among players.

Many players believe that Bungie underestimates the challenge of farming exotic class items and the amount of luck required to obtain a desired roll. The disparity in difficulty between farming these items and farming other exotics is seen as excessive, making it a frustrating experience for players. While Bungie has acknowledged that more changes may be needed to address this issue, the timeline for implementing these changes remains uncertain. Players are eager for improvements that will make farming exotic class items more rewarding and less time-consuming.

The farming of exotic class items in Destiny 2 has been a major point of contention among players since the launch of the Dual Destiny dungeon two months ago. Players have voiced their frustration with the difficulty of obtaining these items and the lack of meaningful rewards for their efforts. Bungie has mentioned that they are considering ways to allow players to obtain these drops outside of the Pale Heart, but specific details on these potential changes are still unknown. Players continue to express their dissatisfaction with the current farming mechanics and are hopeful for more substantial improvements in the future.

Overall, the farming of exotic class items in Destiny 2 remains a significant challenge for players, with many expressing frustration over the difficulty of obtaining these items. Bungie’s recent changes to address player complaints have been met with skepticism from some players, who feel that the changes fall short of what is needed to make farming feel rewarding. Players are looking for more drastic improvements to the farming system, which may require further adjustments from Bungie in the future. As the community waits for more updates on this issue, the discussion around exotic class item farming in Destiny 2 continues to be a hot topic among players.

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