Esōes Cosmetics has introduced an innovative lip gloss tube that can detect date rape drugs and call for help in emergency situations. Priced at $65, the product includes testing strips and a high-tech case with a button that can contact emergency services via a safety app. The founder and CEO of Esōes, Joy Hoover, believes that such products will deter malicious actors and help prevent drink spiking incidents by raising awareness and encouraging reporting.

The lip gloss tube has a hidden compartment that holds testing strips, similar to pregnancy tests, which can detect drugs like rohypnol or “roofies,” xanax, valium, ativan, and others. The idea for the product was inspired by Hoover’s personal experiences, including the tragic death of her mother-in-law and her own experience of being roofied. The lack of available tools to prevent abuse and the absence of data on drink spiking incidents prompted Hoover to develop this life-saving product.

Drink spiking is a pervasive issue, but its true prevalence is hard to determine due to lack of data and underreporting. A 2016 study suggested that drink spiking may be more common than previously believed, with a survey showing that a significant number of adults have consumed spiked food or drinks at least once in their lifetime. Hoover believes that victims often blame themselves due to a culture of victim-blaming, leading to underreporting and incomplete data on the prevalence of drink spiking.

Following the successful launch of Esōes’ lip gloss, Hoover received a grant to further develop the product and expand its capabilities. She plans to develop test strips that can detect the top three date rape drugs, GHB, Ketamine, and Benzodiazepine. The lip gloss has become a saving grace for many customers who have used the panic button in unsafe situations and felt immense relief when help arrived. Hoover has received numerous testimonials from customers who have been drugged and assaulted, expressing their need for a safety product like Esōes’ lip gloss.

The lip gloss has become part of what Hoover calls “the lipstick and safety revolution,” empowering individuals to protect themselves and seek help in dangerous situations. Even Hoover’s young daughter, who originally joked about the idea for the safety lipstick, used the panic button when she was being bullied at school. Hoover intends to continue expanding the product line and providing test strips to businesses, further contributing to the fight against drink spiking and empowering survivors of abuse.

With the increasing popularity and success of Esōes Cosmetics’ lip gloss, Hoover hopes to make a significant impact on the prevalence of drink spiking incidents and encourage victims to seek help and report crimes. By combining beauty products with safety features, Esōes has created a unique solution to a critical issue facing many individuals, particularly women. The innovative design of the lip gloss tube with integrated testing strips and a panic button sets a new standard for personal safety products and emphasizes the importance of prevention and support for survivors of abuse.

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