The author shares his experience of bringing his son into the world, starting nearly two years before his birth when the author’s wife was pregnant. The joy and beauty of the pregnancy were clouded by the fear that the author’s father, who had incurable cancer, may not live long enough to meet his grandchild. The fear of chromosomal abnormalities and the difficult decisions that followed are kept hidden from their son, as they plan to share only the good parts of his birth story with him until he is grown.

The author describes the challenges faced during his wife’s previous pregnancy, which resulted in a devastating diagnosis of trisomy 18 – Edwards’ Syndrome. The difficult decisions and obstacles they faced are shielded from their son, including the struggle to access necessary healthcare due to restrictive laws. The author highlights the importance of having the freedom to make choices that are best for their family without judgment or interference.

Despite the obstacles and fears, the author shares the moments of triumph and joy that followed, including a miraculous reversal of a previous diagnosis and the decision to cancel an abortion appointment. The support of family members, including the author’s father and mother-in-law, is highlighted, as well as the resilience and strength displayed by his wife throughout their journey. The author reflects on the challenges faced by other families in similar situations, emphasizing the importance of access to necessary healthcare and reproductive rights.

The author recounts a heartbreaking moment when his wife, pregnant and facing her own challenges, was by her dying mother’s side in the hospital. The emotional weight of losing a parent while becoming a parent is described with raw honesty, highlighting the complexities of life and the emotional toll of these experiences. The author also mentions the struggles faced by other families, such as a woman in Louisiana who had to flee the state to access necessary medical care.

The author acknowledges the privilege of living in a state where they had access to the care they needed, contrasting it with the restrictive laws in other states that would have made their journey much more difficult. The importance of reproductive rights and the ongoing fight to protect them is emphasized, with a commitment to educate their son about these issues as he grows older. The author aims to shield their son from the darkness of the world while ensuring he is prepared to advocate for justice when needed.

In conclusion, the author reflects on the challenges and joys of their journey to bring their son into the world, highlighting the importance of access to healthcare and reproductive rights. They express gratitude for their son and the light he brings into their lives, despite the darkness they faced along the way. The author’s commitment to sharing their story and educating their son about the importance of advocating for justice and equality serves as a powerful message of resilience and hope.

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