On July 10, 2024, French deputy Jean-Hugues Ratenon made a statement at the National Assembly in Paris, following a serious car accident in La Réunion on the night of August 24. He is facing charges in Saint-Denis for multiple serious traffic offenses. Ratenon, a member of the left-wing party La France insoumise, claims that the incident has been used for political manipulation by local authorities and the media. He denies allegations that he refused to undergo alcohol and drug tests following the accident, citing parliamentary immunity.

The accident occurred after midnight on a four-lane national road, when Ratenon’s car was rear-ended by another vehicle traveling at an estimated speed of 70 km/h. The other driver, who was slightly injured, reported finding Ratenon asleep at the wheel of his car. A week after the collision, an initial investigation by the local gendarmerie motorcycle squadron in La Réunion pointed to Ratenon’s responsibility. While he did refuse breathalyzer and saliva tests, as well as a blood test requested by the authorities, he did not mention parliamentary immunity at the time.

Ratenon attributed his refusal to undergo testing to being in shock after the accident and feeling unwell. According to judicial sources, he exhibited confused, eruptive, and contemptuous behavior towards the gendarmes who interrogated him at the hospital emergency room, where he was taken following the accident. Medical staff noted signs of significant alcohol consumption. Ratenon later left the emergency room and was picked up by one of his assistants. He denied consuming alcohol that night, attributing the incident to a possible hypertension-related episode.

Ratenon’s team released a statement questioning the motives behind the leaked information, as reported by the satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné. The deputy criticized the publication of what he called “pseudo-information” and expressed his outrage at the situation. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings and investigation into the accident, Ratenon maintains his innocence and denies any wrongdoing. The incident has sparked debate and controversy in La Réunion, with some questioning the handling of the case by the authorities and the media.

As the case unfolds, Ratenon continues to fulfill his duties as a member of the National Assembly, representing his constituents in La Réunion. The outcome of the legal proceedings will determine the future of his political career and reputation. In the meantime, he faces scrutiny and criticism from various quarters, with supporters rallying behind him and opponents calling for his resignation. The incident has raised broader questions about accountability, transparency, and integrity in public office, and will likely have lasting implications for Ratenon and the political landscape in La Réunion.

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