Eden Gefner survived a terrifying attack by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, 2023. She recounted the harrowing experience of hearing gunfire break through their front door as they hid in their safe room. Gefner described how they listened tensely as the terrorists rummaged through their home, with some people in the community even reporting hearing the terrorists screaming, “Kill the Jews.” Gefner, who was born and raised in a kibbutz near the border with Gaza, felt like she was reliving the Holocaust as she feared for her life simply for being Jewish.

Gefner shared her story of survival on a podcast episode and at an event as part of the Faces of October 7th Project, which aims to showcase the human impact of terrorism and challenge support for groups like Hamas. She talked about how her parents used to speak fondly of Gaza and how she grew up believing in peaceful coexistence between Jews and Palestinians. However, the escalation of aggression by Hamas over the years made her realize the harsh reality of the situation.

On the morning of the attack, Gefner and her family woke up to the sound of civil defense sirens, which signaled a major attack by Hamas in the area. They sought refuge in their safe room, determined to face whatever fate awaited them together. Gefner recalled the tense moments when the terrorists tried to break into their home, causing her father and boyfriend to fight to keep the door closed. For 30 hours, they remained in the safe room, unsure if they would survive the ordeal.

Despite the terror she experienced, Gefner expressed gratitude for the mysterious decision of the terrorist to spare her family. She reflected on the loss suffered by others in her community who were not as fortunate as her family. In the aftermath of the attack, Gefner’s boyfriend served in the military as Israel launched an offensive against Hamas in Gaza. She voiced frustration over the rise of antisemitism and called for support to free Palestinians from the grip of Hamas rather than directing hate towards Israel and the Jewish people.

Gefner emphasized the need for peaceful coexistence and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians. She stressed the importance of unity and cooperation in achieving a peaceful future for both communities. Despite the challenges and conflicts in the region, Gefner remains hopeful that people can come together to create a better world for all. She urged for a shift in focus towards promoting freedom and peace for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.

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