The Insider’s report revealed that Igor Gorgan, Moldova’s former chief of the general staff, shared sensitive military information with Russian intelligence services during the height of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Gorgan began corresponding with a handler from Russia’s GRU military intelligence in April 2022. He shared information about Ukraine’s intentions to purchase fighter jets and artillery shells from Moldova, as well as the locations of undercover fuel supplies being sent from Moldova to Ukraine. The leaked Telegram messages also showed Gorgan appearing to invite a Russian incursion into Moldova by stating, “We urgently need to cleanse the country of all fascist scum!”

After being dismissed by President Maia Sandu in September 2021, Gorgan maintained a network of informants within Moldova’s Defense Ministry. His correspondence with GRU Colonel Alexei Makarov, who was a military attache in the Russian Embassy in Chisinau, ended around the time when Moldova expelled dozens of Russian diplomats in July. The former chief of the general staff has since been working at a UN office in the Moldovan capital that assists Ukrainian refugees and delivers humanitarian aid to Ukrainian children. The Insider shared photos of Gorgan meeting Makarov outside the Russian Embassy in Chisinau, which were reportedly taken by Moldovan investigative journalists.

President Sandu’s chief of staff Adrian Balutel has vowed to revoke Gorgan’s military awards and honorary ranks in response to the allegations. Moldova’s pro-EU government has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and accused Moscow of plotting to overthrow the current government, a claim that the Kremlin denies. The situation has created tension between Moldova and Russia, with Gorgan’s actions casting doubt on his loyalty to his own country. The revelations have raised concerns about the extent of Russian influence in Moldova and the potential security risks posed by individuals sharing sensitive military information with foreign intelligence services.

The Insider’s report has sparked outrage in Moldova and prompted calls for a thorough investigation into Gorgan’s activities and potential collaboration with Russian intelligence services. The leaked Telegram messages have exposed the extent of Gorgan’s correspondence with the GRU and raised questions about his motives and loyalty. President Sandu’s administration has taken swift action in response to the allegations, signaling a determination to address any breaches of national security. The incident has highlighted the challenges facing countries like Moldova, which are caught between competing interests and geopolitical pressures amidst ongoing conflicts in the region.

As the investigation into Gorgan’s actions unfolds, Moldova faces the task of strengthening its national security measures and restoring trust in its military leadership. The government’s condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its efforts to support Ukrainian refugees demonstrate a commitment to upholding democratic values and standing against aggression. The revelations regarding Gorgan’s activities serve as a cautionary tale about the risks of allowing foreign influence to undermine national sovereignty and security. Moving forward, Moldova must remain vigilant against external threats and work towards safeguarding its independence and stability in a complex geopolitical landscape.

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