A driver on the TEM Highway in the Kağıthane-Seyrantepe area shocked other motorists when he started playing a “zurna” (a type of wind instrument) while behind the wheel last Thursday afternoon. Despite the honking of cars behind him, the driver continued to play the instrument and drive on, seemingly unfazed by the chaos he was causing in traffic. The sight of the driver attempting to play the zurna while also trying to focus on the road left other drivers passing by in disbelief.

For minutes on end, the driver maintained his unconventional driving behavior, drawing the attention of other motorists on the highway. In a baffling display of multitasking, the driver managed to both play the zurna and continue driving, with seeming disregard for the safety and rules of the road. This reckless behavior not only put himself in danger but also posed a threat to everyone else on the road at that time.

Upon realizing that another driver was recording his bizarre behavior, the zurna-playing driver simply carried on with his antics, refusing to put down the instrument and focus solely on driving. The video captured by the concerned driver would later serve as evidence of the dangerous and irresponsible actions exhibited by the zurna-playing driver on the TEM Highway. The video footage would be shared on social media platforms, garnering shock and disapproval from viewers who were appalled by the driver’s risky behavior.

The incident on the TEM Highway serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and adhering to traffic regulations while on the road. Driving requires full attention and focus, and any distractions, such as playing a musical instrument, can have serious consequences. The zurna-playing driver’s actions not only endangered himself but also put the lives of others at risk. It is crucial for all drivers to respect the rules of the road and prioritize safety to ensure the well-being of everyone on the highways and streets. Let this incident serve as a cautionary tale for the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of responsible behavior behind the wheel.

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