The Court of Instruction number three in Badajoz has requested documentation regarding David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, the brother of the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, following a lawsuit filed by the pseudo-union Manos Limpias. David Sánchez has been working for seven years – before his brother became the head of the government – in the orchestra of the Conservatory of Music in Badajoz and is the coordinator of that activity at the Diputación pacense. Manos Limpias, which also filed a complaint against the president’s wife, Begoña Gómez, has now accused the leader’s brother of embezzlement for allegedly not showing up for work and residing in Portugal to avoid paying taxes in Spain, a claim also supported by the PP of Extremadura. The pseudo-union also targets the secretary of the Extremadura socialists and president of the Diputación de Badajoz, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, and a human resources worker.

In a two-page ruling signed on May 30, the court has opened preliminary proceedings to determine if the actions taken are punishable, requesting a report on the creation of an investigation committee regarding the president’s brother and all documentation regarding his employment contract, including essential functions, performance, schedules, salary, and the existence of teleworking arrangements. The information from the investigation committee that the court is requesting refers to the unanimous approval of all groups, including the PSOE, in May to determine the work performed by Sánchez’s brother at the Diputación de Badajoz. Vox also requested the presence of the president’s relative before the Culture Committee of the Extremadura Assembly on June 4.

The news about the president’s brother has caused a stir in Extremaduran politics in recent months. The Minister of Finance, Elena Manzano (PP), suggested last April that David Sánchez was residing in the neighboring country to avoid paying taxes in Spain. However, the Extremadura government admitted to the regional newspaper Hoy that the minister did not have first-hand data to support that claim. According to the newspaper, David Sánchez’s initial contract was for 41,231 euros gross in 2017, and now, as a coordinator, it would be 55,760 euros. The announcement of the opening of proceedings has reached the political scene in Madrid, with Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, chief of staff to the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, sharing a tweet linking to the news and suggesting further action.

Manos Limpias, led by Miguel Bernad, has a controversial past and has been investigated for promoting false accusations. The organization has been known for its strategy of filing numerous complaints over the years. The organization describes its main purpose as filing complaints against political or economic corruption that harm the public or general interest. Manos Limpias has been involved in legal proceedings both as accuser and accused. The case involving David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón continues to generate interest and scrutiny, with various political figures weighing in on the situation.

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