The cinema and journalistic jargon have left readers with the idea that behind every anonymous source in a news story hides a person whose life or position is threatened by revealing sensitive and confidential information. However, the term “source” has been abused to the point where it is applied to more or less trivial information distributed by press departments. This information is often not a matter of life or death, but rather a text message sent to multiple phones simultaneously with the same quotations. The authenticity of these sources is questionable as they do not come from sources outside the official channels.

In a recent example, various media outlets relayed a statement from the Government expressing its rejection of a hostile takeover bid by BBVA on Banco Sabadell. This statement was attributed to “official sources” or the Government by some outlets, although it was actually sent through a WhatsApp message by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to a group of journalists. This blurring of the lines between official statements and independent sources can lead to misinformation and confusion among readers.

Political parties and large corporations are also increasingly controlling access to the press, making it harder for journalists to obtain information from sources outside of official channels. The lack of transparency in public and private institutions in Spain also contributes to the challenge of obtaining accurate information. It is essential for journalists to clearly communicate the sources of their information and resist pressure from those in power who seek to control the narrative.

The shift towards virtual press conferences and limited direct access to government officials and corporate executives further complicates the job of journalists. The Association of Economic Information Journalists criticized the lack of press conferences held by major Spanish companies to present their annual results in 2022. This trend towards limited access to information reflects a broader culture of secrecy and lack of transparency in the country.

The responsibility of journalists, media outlets, and professional associations is to uphold ethical standards by clearly stating the sources of their information in each news story. It is important to highlight the effort involved in finding accurate and reliable sources for each story, rather than simply parroting information provided by press offices. As the role of artificial intelligence grows in the media industry, it is crucial for journalists to resist becoming mere conduits for information and instead prioritize the interests of their readers by practicing responsible journalism.

The call to action is clear: journalists must resist the pressures to compromise their integrity and remain vigilant in their pursuit of truth. Transparency and accountability are paramount in ensuring the credibility and survival of journalism in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving media landscapes. By advocating for the rights of citizens to accurate and reliable information, journalists play a vital role in safeguarding democracy and promoting informed public discourse.

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