At 88 years old, Emma Maria Mazzenga, the world’s fastest 90-year-old woman sprinter, continues to break world records in the Masters athletics category. Born in 1933, Mazzenga is a star in Italian athletics, holding five world records, nine European records, and 28 best Italian performances in various categories of sprinting. She recently set a new world record in the 90 and over age group by running the 200-meter outdoors in 51.47 seconds, beating the previous record set by Japan’s Emiko Saito. Although she modestly expresses surprise at her speed, Mazzenga’s performance is a testament to her dedication and skill in the sport.

The world of Masters athletics recognizes records for women across different age categories, with the current records standing at 24.33 seconds for the 50 and over category, 31.30 seconds for the 70 and over category, and 1 minute, 29.79 seconds for the 100 and over category. Mazzenga follows specific rituals before her races, such as running without socks and never wearing the same shoes for training. Even though she usually has no direct competitors in her age category, she continues to aim for good times in her races, which she celebrates with fellow runners over a beer.

Mazzenga’s journey in athletics began when she was a young woman, but she paused her running career after getting married and having children. She returned to the sport as a Masters athlete at the age of 53, finding comfort and community in running during her later years. Running has been a source of stability and social connection for Mazzenga, helping her through difficult times and providing her with a circle of supportive individuals. Despite her achievements and upcoming competitions, Mazzenga prefers not to make long-term plans and instead focuses on enjoying each moment and the experiences that running brings.

With an aging population in Italy, Mazzenga’s accomplishments highlight the potential for individuals to continue excelling in sports even as they grow older. As one of the oldest competitors in Masters athletics, Mazzenga’s dedication and success serve as an inspiration to others and showcase the benefits of leading an active and healthy lifestyle. Her achievements also demonstrate the importance of finding passion and purpose in life at any age, as running has not only brought Mazzenga joy and fulfillment but also a sense of community and growth. As she continues to break records and pursue her love for sprinting, Mazzenga remains a shining example of what can be achieved with determination, perseverance, and a love for the sport.

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