The Provincial Gendarmerie Command teams are continuing their efforts to prevent drug manufacturing, trafficking, and distribution in the city. In this context, the teams received information that F.T. and S.Ş.E., who were traveling on the Siirt-Ankara route, would bring drugs from Diyarbakır to Sivrice.

The train was stopped by the teams at the Sivrice Sürek station. A search in the wagon where the suspects were located resulted in the seizure of 9 kilograms and 300 grams of hashish.

The two suspects have been taken into custody, and the legal procedures are ongoing at the gendarmerie. The successful operation is a part of the ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking in the region.

The Gendarmerie Command teams are working tirelessly to prevent drug-related crimes in the city. The interception of the suspects on the train and the seizure of a significant amount of drugs demonstrate the success of their ongoing efforts.

The seized drugs would have been potentially harmful to the community if they had reached their destination. The swift action of the Gendarmerie Command teams has helped in preventing the distribution of drugs in the region.

The legal process for the suspects will continue, and they will be held accountable for their involvement in drug trafficking. The successful operation is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Gendarmerie Command in ensuring the safety and security of the community.

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