An 81-year-old New York City woman, known only as Gloria, was randomly assaulted by a man who punched her in the side of the head while she was walking her dog in the upper west side of Manhattan. Despite suffering bruises to her face and neck, Gloria feels “lucky” to be alive after the attack, which left her hospitalized with a concussion. In an exclusive interview with FOX 5, Gloria described the incident as “scary” and stated that she does not remember much about the attack. Surveillance video obtained by FOX 5 showed the man in black approaching Gloria from behind and landing a punch to her face before she fell to the ground. Despite the traumatic experience, Gloria remains determined to continue walking her dog outside and refuses to hide in her apartment.

The attack on Gloria has been added to a growing list of violent assaults occurring in New York City, with several young women coming forward on social media in March to report being randomly punched in the face or head by strangers while walking in the city. One woman, TikTok user Olivia Brand, uploaded a video recounting how she was punched by a man on the sidewalk who then simply said “Sorry!” before striking her in the head. In response to these incidents, the NYPD continues to investigate the matter and is working to ensure the safety of all residents and visitors in the city.

Despite the traumatic experience, Gloria remains resilient and has chosen not to let the assault deter her from her routine of walking her dog daily. In the interview with FOX 5, Gloria expressed her determination to continue living her life as normal, stating, “I’m not going to hide in my apartment.” While she acknowledged the seriousness of the incident and the potential danger she faced from the attacker, Gloria remains grateful to have survived the assault without further harm and is moving forward with strength and courage.

The surveillance video of the attack on Gloria captured the shocking moment when the man in black approached her from behind and struck her in the face before she fell to the ground. While the full attack was not shown in the video, it was clear that Gloria hit her head on the side of a building before collapsing. Bystanders rushed to her assistance as the attacker walked away from the scene, leaving Gloria on the ground. The video footage was instrumental in providing evidence of the assault and assisting the NYPD in their investigation into the incident.

The incident involving the assault on Gloria highlights the need for increased awareness and vigilance when walking in New York City, as random assaults have become a growing concern for residents and visitors alike. The NYPD is actively working to address these incidents and ensure the safety of individuals in the city. Despite the challenges faced by Gloria and others who have experienced similar attacks, their resilience and determination to continue living their lives without fear serve as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. By sharing their stories and standing up against violence, individuals like Gloria are inspiring others to remain vigilant and united in the fight against random acts of aggression.

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