Coast Guard teams affiliated with the Marmara and Bosphorus Regional Command conducted an inspection at the fish landing point in Istanbul-Yenikapı. During the inspection, it was discovered that 8 tons of horse mackerel caught by fishermen fell below the legal size limit. As a result, the fish were confiscated and a penalty of 123,298 lira was imposed on 6 fishermen who were found to have caught fish in violation of size restrictions outlined in the Fisheries Law.

The confiscated horse mackerel were then donated to aid organizations for distribution to those in need, following a decision made by the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Fisheries and Aquatic Products Branch Directorate. This decision was made in order to ensure that the fish would not go to waste and could instead benefit those who require assistance. The act of illegally fishing below the legal size limit not only resulted in a financial penalty for the fishermen involved, but also had a positive outcome in terms of aiding those in need through the donation of the confiscated fish.

The enforcement of size restrictions outlined in the Fisheries Law is crucial in order to maintain sustainable fish populations and protect marine ecosystems. By monitoring and penalizing fishermen who violate these restrictions, authorities are able to prevent overfishing and ensure the long-term health of marine environments. In this case, the actions taken by the Coast Guard teams and other relevant authorities not only upheld the law, but also led to a beneficial outcome in terms of providing support to those in need through the donation of the confiscated fish.

The penalty imposed on the 6 fishermen serves as a deterrent to others who may consider engaging in illegal fishing practices. By holding individuals accountable for their actions and enforcing consequences for violations of fishing regulations, authorities are able to send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. In addition to the financial penalty, the donation of the confiscated fish to aid organizations also serves as a reminder of the importance of abiding by fishing regulations in order to prevent both environmental harm and the waste of valuable resources.

The collaboration between the Coast Guard teams, the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, and aid organizations highlights the importance of working together to address issues related to illegal fishing and support those in need. By coordinating efforts and taking decisive action, these entities were able to not only enforce the law, but also make a positive impact through the donation of the confiscated fish. This collaborative approach demonstrates a commitment to both upholding regulations and promoting social responsibility in order to ensure the well-being of both marine environments and local communities.

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