A shocking incident occurred in a Lincoln nursing home when a 74-year-old woman named Constance Glantz was mistakenly declared dead by the staff. The nursing home had declared her dead and had a doctor ready to sign her death certificate. She was then taken to a local funeral home, where employees began preparing her body for burial. However, to their surprise, they discovered that she was still alive. The employees immediately called 911, and Glantz was rushed to a nearby hospital where she remains in an unknown condition.

Lancaster County Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Ben Houchin described the situation as highly unusual, stating that in his 31 years of experience, he had never encountered a case like this before. The incident has sparked an investigation into the nursing home’s actions leading to Glantz being wrongly declared dead. While there are currently no indications of any malicious intent on the part of the nursing home, the investigation is ongoing. It remains unclear how the error occurred and how the nursing home staff failed to notice that Glantz was still alive.

The incident has caused shock and disbelief among the nursing home staff, the funeral home employees, and the local community. It is a rare and unprecedented situation that has left many questioning how such a mistake could have been made. The confusion and chaos that followed the discovery of Glantz’s continued life have prompted a thorough review of the circumstances leading up to the erroneous declaration of death.

The near-death experience of Constance Glantz has raised concerns about the quality of care provided by the nursing home and the accuracy of their medical assessments. The incident has also sparked discussions about the importance of proper procedures and protocols in medical facilities to prevent such errors from occurring in the future. While the investigation continues, authorities are working to determine the cause of the mistaken declaration of death and to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The swift actions taken by the funeral home employees in realizing that Glantz was alive have been praised by authorities and the community. Their quick thinking and determination to save her life ultimately led to her being rescued from a potentially tragic situation. The incident serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of being vigilant and thorough in medical assessments to avoid grave mistakes like declaring someone dead prematurely.

As Constance Glantz continues to receive medical care in the hospital, the focus remains on her recovery and well-being. The incident has shed light on the need for improved communication and coordination between healthcare facilities to prevent similar errors from occurring. Authorities are committed to conducting a thorough investigation into the incident and holding any responsible parties accountable for their actions. The shocking case of a woman being mistakenly declared dead and then found alive is a wake-up call for the healthcare industry to prioritize patient safety and ensure that proper protocols are followed to prevent such errors in the future.

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