Istanbul Airport Security Branch Directorate Research Bureau teams followed M.Q. and A.K., who arrived in Istanbul from Dubai on April 21. The passengers, who were found to be of Israeli nationality, were closely monitored from the moment they disembarked from the plane until they passed through customs, through security cameras.

Two passengers coming out of the international arrivals gate were stopped by the police. The passengers were taken to the X-ray area for a body search.

During the X-ray inspection, the police officers received a signal and, while checking under the baby carriage where the baby was, they noticed a hidden bag under the carriage.

The police officers opened the bags under the carriage and found 73 gold ingots, each weighing 1 kilogram, which were being attempted to be smuggled into the country.

While the gold was confiscated by the police, M.Q. and A.K. were detained. A.K. was released under judicial control, while the other passenger, M.Q., was arrested and sent to prison.

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