Seven workers at a food factory in the Yeniceköy neighborhood of İnegöl were exposed to ammonia gas and fainted. The workers were identified as Hafize D., Harbiye Ö., Kadife A., Nazmiye S., Emel B., Nevin A., and Yasin A.

The workers were immediately transported to İnegöl State Hospital in the factory’s vehicle. Thankfully, the workers’ health condition was reported to be stable after receiving medical treatment.

An investigation was launched by the gendarmerie regarding the incident. The cause of the ammonia gas leak and the measures taken by the factory management to prevent such incidents in the future are expected to be part of the investigation.

Local authorities and occupational health and safety experts have been informed about the incident to ensure that necessary actions are taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The incident has raised concerns about workplace safety and the protection of workers’ health in İnegöl and surrounding areas.

The workers, who were exposed to the ammonia gas, are expected to receive further medical examinations to ensure that there are no long-term health effects from the incident. The factory management is also likely to face scrutiny from regulatory authorities to ensure that all necessary safety measures are in place to protect workers and prevent similar incidents in the future.

The incident in the food factory in İnegöl has highlighted the importance of workplace safety measures and the need for regular inspections and monitoring to prevent accidents and protect workers’ health. It serves as a reminder for all industries to prioritize the safety and well-being of their employees to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

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