The rural town of Uxbridge, Ont., is known for its outdoor activities, including hiking trails and biking routes, surrounded by Greenbelt land, farmhouses, and local businesses. However, six parcels of land encompassing approximately 1,300 acres have been off-limits to the public. After years of advocacy from the mayor and the local community, plans are underway to transform this land into Ontario’s newest provincial park. The mayor, a hiker and cyclist himself, explained that the process began with a development that didn’t happen in the early 2000s, leading to the land being in the hands of Infrastructure Ontario since 2007.

In September 2021, Infrastructure Ontario decided to sell the land, prompting the Township of Uxbridge to make a bid for it. The town offered a nominal fee for the land, valued at almost $12 million, which was out of their financial reach. The plan was to create a new municipal park that would benefit the town’s economy, tourism, and recreational opportunities. The proposal caught the attention of Ontario officials, who decided to convert the land into Ontario’s first urban provincial park. Following discussions with government ministers, the idea was approved and included in the provincial budget in March 2023.

Further progress was made when Minister David Piccini requested Minister Kinga Surma to halt the sale of the Uxbridge land to explore the creation of a new urban provincial park. This decision allowed for consultations, including feedback from Indigenous stakeholders, and the development of a park management plan. Public comments and surveys showed strong support for the proposed park, with plans to designate the land in the summer and begin work on the park management plan. The park is expected to have limited access, with a phased approach to development and operations, with a focus on enhancing the local economy through tourism.

Mayor Barton expressed confidence that the park would bring significant benefits to small businesses in Uxbridge by attracting tourists and enhancing the town’s unique offerings. The park is expected to provide a boost to the local economy, creating opportunities for restaurants and businesses to thrive. Despite challenges such as limited funding and the need for careful planning, the community is excited about the potential transformation of the once-off-limits land into a provincial park. The government’s full steam ahead approach and ongoing consultations demonstrate a commitment to making this new park a reality that will benefit both residents and visitors to Uxbridge. The transformation of the land into a provincial park is expected to have a positive impact on the town’s economy, tourism industry, and recreational opportunities for all.

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