A commercial vehicle, under the management of D.S., overturned on the Sivas-Ankara highway in the Bakırcıoğlu district of Yıldızeli.
The authorities were informed of the incident and health, police, and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene.
In the accident, the driver and passengers U.M.S, A.S, B.S, C.K, and İ.S. were injured.
The injured individuals were transported to Sivas Cumhuriyet University Health Services Application and Research Hospital and Numune Hospital for treatment.
It was reported that C.K. was in critical condition among the injured persons.

The commercial vehicle was being driven by D.S. when it overturned on the Sivas-Ankara highway in the Yıldızeli district of Bakırcıoğlu. Upon receiving information about the accident, health, police, and gendarmerie teams were immediately sent to the scene to provide assistance. The driver and passengers of the vehicle, identified as U.M.S, A.S, B.S, C.K, and İ.S, sustained injuries in the crash and had to be taken to Sivas Cumhuriyet University Health Services Application and Research Hospital as well as Numune Hospital for medical treatment. Among the injured individuals, C.K. was reported to be in critical condition. Despite the unfortunate incident, prompt action by the authorities ensured that the injured parties received necessary medical attention without delay.

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