New moms go through a wide range of emotions when their baby is born, from pure bliss to stress as caring for a newborn can be overwhelming. It is important for moms to embrace flexibility and celebration during the first few months of motherhood. Parenting expert Hannah Keeley advises new moms to limit screen time, prioritize rest, and set a bedtime for themselves to ensure they are getting the adequate amount of sleep to function.

Routines before and after a baby are going to look different, as new moms adjust to a new normal. Keeley emphasizes the importance of embracing new routines and working with your brain, rather than against it. She suggests setting simple and flexible routines, such as a morning and evening routine, that focus on self-care and well-being. By celebrating small wins and focusing on tasks that bring happiness, new moms can navigate this transformative time more smoothly.

While balance is often sought after by new moms, Keeley advises against it, as having balance can indicate a lack of growth. It is important for moms to allow themselves to be in control of setting boundaries and using a permission slip concept to prioritize their needs and the needs of their baby. Keeley encourages new moms to let go of the need to please everyone and to focus on what is best for themselves and their baby during this time.

New moms often receive a lot of advice, some of it unsolicited, from various sources. Keeley advises new moms not to feel obligated to take every piece of advice that comes their way, as there is no one-size-fits-all formula to motherhood. It is essential for moms to forge their own path and trust their instincts when making decisions for themselves and their baby.

Spending time outdoors is crucial for new moms, as it can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and potentially depression that may arise from being sequestered inside. Keeley recommends that new moms spend at least 15 minutes outside each day, soaking up the sun and fresh air. By incorporating this outdoor time into their daily routine, new moms can prioritize their well-being and bond with their baby in a natural environment.

Overall, the first few months of motherhood are a transformative time for new moms. By embracing flexibility, setting simple routines, prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, avoiding the pressure to achieve balance, trusting their instincts, and spending time outdoors, new moms can navigate this period with more ease and grace. Hannah Keeley’s advice provides a valuable perspective for new moms as they adjust to life with a newborn and embrace the changes that come with motherhood.

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