Opposition leaders are celebrating the success of the campaign to collect signatures for a referendum against “Autonomia Differenziata,” with over 355,000 signatures collected online and an additional 150,000 collected at street stalls. This surpasses the required 500,000 signatures needed to move the referendum forward to the Court of Cassation. The Democratic Party’s secretary, Elly Schlein, describes the achievement as an important milestone in the fight against a law that divides Italy. Leaders from various opposition parties have expressed their satisfaction with the strong response from the public and plan to continue mobilizing support both online and in public spaces.

Giuseppe Conte, leader of the Five Star Movement, describes the surge in signatures as a powerful signal of participation. Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian Left highlights the extraordinary turnout at street stalls as a response to the right-wing’s attempted reforms. Angelo Bonelli, leader of Europa Verde, also emphasizes the strong popular will to block the Autonomia Differenziata law. Riccardo Magi of Più Europa notes the incredible success of the campaign in just 10 days and predicts further resistance from citizens when called to vote on the reform. The CGIL and ANPI are also pleased with the results of the signature collection campaign.

Despite reaching the initial goal of 500,000 signatures, the committee behind the referendum is not planning to stop there. They aim to continue raising awareness and increasing citizen participation both online and in public spaces, with a target of reaching one million signatures. The Democratic Party will continue to gather signatures online and in public spaces to maintain this crucial popular mobilization. Additionally, the President of the Sardinia Region, Alessandra Todde, has announced plans to challenge the Calderoli law, with the support of citizens and legal experts working on a submission to the Consulta.

The success of the signature campaign has united various opposition parties, social forces, and organizations in a common effort against the Autonomia Differenziata law, which is widely perceived as divisive and dangerous. Political leaders see the strong response from the public as a sign of growing resistance to the right-wing reform agenda. The widespread participation in the signature collection process reflects a broad-based rejection of the proposed law, with citizens expressing their desire to prevent further divisions within Italy. The campaign has mobilized a diverse group of individuals and organizations, signaling a collective determination to challenge the status quo.

The campaign to collect signatures for the referendum against Autonomia Differenziata has garnered significant support within a short period, exceeding expectations and setting the stage for continued resistance to divisive legislation. The united front shown by opposition leaders, activists, and citizens reflects a shared commitment to defending Italian unity and rejecting policies that threaten social cohesion. With plans to continue expanding the signature collection effort and engaging citizens across the country, the movement against Autonomia Differenziata appears poised to sustain its momentum and push back against attempts to implement controversial reforms. As the campaign progresses, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to the growing opposition and whether the referendum will ultimately be successful in challenging the Autonomia Differenziata law.

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