The Democratic Convention set to take place in Chicago will make history by nominating Kamala Harris for president just one month after Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign. Harris has rapidly unified the party and surged in national and battleground surveys against Donald Trump. The convention is expected to be an important event for Democrats to continue their momentum. One key aspect to watch will be whether the joyful and optimistic theme that Harris has embodied so far will continue, or whether she will delve into policy details to further outline her governing vision.

Harris’ success has been built on her ability to bring a positive and hopeful outlook to the campaign, in contrast to Biden’s focus on fear of a Trump return. This joyful theme has resonated with Democrats and unaligned voters alike. While the convention is expected to capitalize on this energy, there will be a balancing act between maintaining an optimistic tone and addressing the very real concerns about a potential Trump presidency. Harris has begun to roll out economic proposals focusing on lowering costs, but it remains to be seen whether she will use the convention to unveil more policy plans or keep her vision broad.

A key question for Harris is whether she will seek to continue the Biden legacy or chart her own path as president. Given the need to unify the party, it is likely that she will strike a balance between the two. The convention will provide clues as to which elements of the Biden presidency Harris will embrace and promise to continue, and where she may propose to go her own way. Harris will need to convince disaffected voters that she can offer a fresh vision rather than a continuation of the status quo under Biden.

One challenge for Harris at the convention will be how to balance firing up the base with appealing to independents and persuadable voters. Harris has made progress in solidifying support among Democratic-leaning constituencies who have soured on Biden, but she will need to work on reaching undecided voters and independents who often decide elections. The convention will be a key opportunity for Harris to connect with these groups and garner their support for the final stretch of the campaign.

Protests demanding a more confrontational U.S. posture toward Israel for its actions in Gaza have become common at Democratic events. Harris has already faced hecklers at her rallies and the issue is likely to come up at the convention. How she handles these protests will have political implications, particularly with Arab Americans and Muslim voters who have threatened to stay home if they are not satisfied with Harris’ stance on Israel. Harris has criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but it remains to be seen how far she will go in calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

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