Wanting to improve your public speaking skills but not sure where to start? Look no further! Five public speaking experts have shared their tips, along with assistance from ChatGPT, to help you excel in the spotlight. Whether you need ideas for keynotes, help resonating with your audience, balancing warmth and competence in your speech, or simply remembering to breathe, these experts have got you covered.

Jake Thompson, a keynote speaker and leadership performance coach, uses ChatGPT to get ideas for keynotes. By providing information about your audience and their goals, you can generate new ideas to kickstart your speech. Similarly, Gary Ware, a corporate facilitator, recommends making your speech relevant to your audience by tailoring it to their interests and concerns. By incorporating these suggestions, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Vanessa Van Edwards, founder of The Science of People, stresses the importance of balancing warmth and competence in your speech. By using ChatGPT to identify areas that lack warmth or competence in your script and suggest ways to improve, you can ensure that you make a lasting impression on your audience. Mike Pacchionne, a keynote coach, emphasizes the importance of breathing while speaking. By formatting your speech like song lyrics, with breaks every 7-10 words, you can maintain a powerful delivery without running out of breath.

Liz Bohannon, an entrepreneur and keynote speaker, shares the importance of having a backup plan in case your speech needs to be shortened due to time constraints. By using ChatGPT to suggest which parts of your speech can be cut while maintaining the main message, you can ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality. With these expert tips and the assistance of ChatGPT, you can elevate your public speaking skills and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Overall, by following these expert tips and utilizing ChatGPT for guidance, you can enhance your public speaking abilities and deliver a speech that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re looking for ideas for your keynote speech, ways to connect with your audience, or strategies to improve your delivery, these experts have provided valuable insights to help you succeed in the spotlight. Remember to stand tall, speak with pride, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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