This list details various instances of entitled behavior, where individuals prioritized their own wants and needs above those of others. Examples include calling the police on someone cutting in line, playing loud music in public spaces, shining a phone flashlight at a theater performance, and parking inconsiderately. Entitlement extends to various scenarios, such as expecting strangers to pay for their baby or not cleaning up after one’s own dog. An entitled vegan main character throws a fit to get their way, while entitled grandparents cause distress by making demands during a difficult birthing situation. Selfish drivers block sidewalks, a person ruins their cousin’s toy for fun, and a coworker eats someone else’s pizza. Another example involves a mom who expects dishes to clean themselves, and someone who asks for money after forgetting their card. Vandalism at ancient sites and entitled behavior in shared living spaces are also highlighted, as well as a story of a new parent standing up to overbearing in-laws.

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