The Italian Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Raffaele Fitto, announced that the European Commission has given preliminary approval to the fifth installment of the PNRR for Italy. The amount of this installment has increased to 11 billion euros, which is an increase of 400 million euros. Fitto highlighted that two new objectives have been added to the plan, focusing on combating tax evasion. These objectives include a 40% increase in conformity letters sent by the tax administration to taxpayers compared to 2019, and a 30% increase in tax revenue derived from these letters.

In addition to the approval of the fifth installment, Fitto mentioned that there was a delay in the approval of a payment of 110 million euros as part of the overall amount requested. However, he assured that this issue will be resolved soon, attributing the delay to a technical interpretation difficulty regarding the measurement criteria related to the time lapse between public contract award and infrastructure completion. Fitto emphasized that discussions with the European Commission led to a revision of the measurement criterion because the initial criteria set by the Council decision did not allow for a clear definition of this aspect.

The Minister highlighted the collaborative effort with the European Commission to address and rectify these issues, emphasizing the importance of ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient use of funds in implementing the PNRR projects. He mentioned that the goal is to streamline the process and speed up the implementation of public infrastructure projects by reducing delays and bottlenecks in the public procurement process. By reassessing and adjusting the measurement criteria, the aim is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the PNRR initiatives, ultimately contributing to the economic recovery and development of Italy.

Fitto’s statement underlined the significance of the PNRR in supporting the Italian economy, creating jobs, and promoting sustainable growth. He expressed confidence in the positive impact of the plan in addressing key challenges such as tax evasion and enhancing revenue collection. The Minister reiterated the commitment to working closely with the European Commission to ensure the successful implementation of the PNRR and achieve the set objectives. By addressing technical difficulties and refining measurement criteria, the aim is to optimize the utilization of the allocated funds and maximize the benefits for Italy’s social and economic development.

In conclusion, the preliminary approval of the fifth installment of the PNRR for Italy marks an important milestone in the country’s recovery and resilience efforts. The additional objectives related to combatting tax evasion demonstrate the government’s commitment to enhancing fiscal transparency and accountability. The collaborative approach with the European Commission to address issues and optimize the implementation process reflects a shared commitment to achieving the overarching goals of the PNRR. With a focus on efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency, Italy aims to leverage the allocated funds to drive sustainable growth, create employment opportunities, and enhance the overall well-being of its citizens.

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