One of the early steps in wedding planning is creating a guest list to determine the size of the event before looking at venues. This can be a stressful process, as there will inevitably be people upset about not being invited. However, ultimately the decision of who attends the wedding is between the couple. When composing the guest list, it is important to consider the budget, create a list of essential guests, consider additional guests as maybes, and determine the policies for plus ones and children.

Considering the budget is crucial when creating a guest list, as the number of attendees will greatly impact the cost of the wedding. It is essential to have an open conversation with your partner about the type of event you want and can afford. Creating a list of essential guests that you cannot imagine getting married without will establish a minimum number of attendees. This list can also help determine who will be part of the wedding party.

Making a list of additional maybes allows for consideration of distant relatives, coworkers, and acquaintances who could potentially be invited if space allows. It is important to remember that you are not obligated to invite people you have not spoken to in years, and consulting with parents for advice on the guest list can be beneficial. Plus ones and children are also important considerations that need to be addressed when finalizing the guest list, with clear guidelines on who is invited and how plus ones will be handled.

Deciding on a policy for plus ones can be challenging, as different couples have varying approaches to allowing guests to bring a date. Communicating your policy clearly on your wedding website can help avoid potential confusion. The decision to include children at the wedding is another factor that needs to be addressed upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Finally, making sure invitations explicitly state who is invited can help minimize questions and calls regarding plus ones and children, as well as reduce potential drama surrounding the guest list.

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