In the past month, the Provincial Gendarmerie Command teams have been conducting operations and preventive patrols to prevent irregular migration and deport undocumented migrants, catching 352 irregular migrants who were trying to leave the country through illegal means. During these operations, 33 individuals were caught who were found to be organizing migrants, and 22 vehicles used in migrant smuggling were confiscated.

After processing, the migrants were handed over to the Pehlivanköy Repatriation Center. Out of the 33 organizers who were referred to the judiciary, 14 were arrested during their court appearances. The efforts of the Gendarmerie Command have been successful in cracking down on illegal migration and punishing those involved in organizing such activities.

Irregular migration has been a growing concern in the region, with many people attempting to leave the country through illegal means. The Gendarmerie Command has been working diligently to prevent such activities and bring those responsible to justice. Through their recent operations, they have been able to catch a significant number of irregular migrants and organizers, sending a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated.

The Pehlivanköy Repatriation Center plays a crucial role in processing and handling the migrants caught during these operations. It ensures that proper procedures are followed and the migrants are dealt with in accordance with the law. With the support of the center, the Gendarmerie Command has been able to effectively manage the issue of irregular migration and work towards deterring future attempts.

The involvement of 33 individuals in organizing migrant smuggling highlights the extent of the issue and the need for strong enforcement measures. By cracking down on these organizers and confiscating vehicles used in migrant smuggling, the authorities are sending a strong message that such activities will not be tolerated. The arrests made during the court appearances demonstrate the seriousness of the matter and the consequences for those involved in illegal migration activities.

Overall, the efforts of the Provincial Gendarmerie Command in preventing irregular migration and deporting undocumented migrants have been commendable. Through their operations and preventive patrols, they have been able to catch a significant number of irregular migrants and organizers, contributing to the overall security and stability of the region. Their dedication to addressing the issue of irregular migration is crucial in maintaining law and order and ensuring the safety of the community.

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