John and Ali Shadock were enjoying married life, full of adventures and road trips with their dogs, when John suddenly began experiencing severe headaches at 35 years old. Initially thought to be migraines, the persistent pain prompted a brain scan that revealed a large tumor. Biopsy confirmed it was glioblastoma, a deadly and treatment-resistant form of cancer. Despite the grim prognosis of an average survival of eight months, John has defied the odds and is now more than five years into his battle with the disease.

After his first brain surgery in April 2019, John was given six months to a year to live. Glioblastoma is a complex cancer without a clear cause, affecting people of all ages. Standard treatment involves surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but clinical trials are essential for testing new therapies. John participated in trials at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Moffitt Cancer Center that involved immunotherapy approaches, including infusion of a modified polio virus to trigger his immune system against the cancer.

John’s response to the clinical trials has been positive, with his immune system fighting the cancer and attacking recurring cells. His overall health and physical fitness at the time of diagnosis, as well as strong family support, have likely contributed to his longevity. John credits his wife Ali’s positive attitude as a significant factor in his ongoing battle with glioblastoma. Despite facing challenges such as short-term memory loss and the need for a caregiver, the couple remains hopeful and determined to navigate their journey with resilience and strength.

Ali has been a steadfast advocate for John, never missing a doctor’s appointment and celebrating every bit of progress. Their motto, “Strong All Along,” reflects their determination to face glioblastoma head-on. While grappling with medical debt and the high cost of caregiving, the Shadocks remain grateful for each day and emphasize that glioblastoma is not a death sentence. Ali’s proactive approach, trust in her instincts, and unwavering support for her husband have been crucial in their fight against the aggressive cancer.

As they continue their journey, the Shadocks maintain a positive outlook and embrace every opportunity for hope and progress. Ali’s resilience and dedication to John’s care, coupled with his response to innovative treatments, have allowed them to navigate the challenges of glioblastoma with courage and determination. Despite the uncertainties that come with a diagnosis of this nature, the couple remains focused on finding solutions, exploring options, and cherishing the moments of joy and gratitude in their journey together.

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