Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced on social media that the fight against terrorism will continue until the last terrorist is neutralized for the peace, unity, and solidarity of the nation.

Coordinated by the Directorate of Counterterrorism and Intelligence Department of the General Directorate of Security, operations against the separatist terrorist organization were conducted in Antalya, Batman, Gaziantep, Edirne, Elazığ, Erzincan, Hakkari, Istanbul, Mersin, Muğla, Şanlıurfa and Van by the provincial security directorates.

A total of 33 suspects were captured during the operations, according to Yerlikaya. The suspects were found to have carried out activities within the separatist terrorist organization in the past, conducted propaganda for the terrorist organization, attempted to escape abroad through illegal means, participated in unauthorized demonstrations, carried out attacks with molotov cocktails and arson on behalf of the terrorist organization, and had outstanding arrest warrants with final imprisonment sentences.

Yerlikaya congratulated the police teams for seizing a large number of digital materials as a result of the operations. The successful operations are part of the ongoing efforts to maintain the country’s peace and security against terrorist threats.

The operations were conducted as part of the government’s commitment to eliminate terrorism and the threats it poses to the nation’s stability. The capture of the suspects and seizure of digital materials are significant steps in the ongoing fight against terrorism. The Interior Minister expressed determination to continue the fight until all terrorists are neutralized and the nation’s peace and unity are ensured.

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