Jayde Powell has found unexpected success in making money through social media, particularly on LinkedIn. She started her social media career over a decade ago, working for wellness brands and big companies like Delta Airlines. However, her breakthrough came when she started posting observations from her corporate America experience on LinkedIn after noticing a shift away from X.com. Her posts quickly gained traction, catching the attention of past clients and leading to sponsored opportunities. Powell, who runs her social media strategy agency, The Em Dash Co., realized she could leverage her skills to write for corporate companies on her personal accounts, leading to $27,000 in earnings from LinkedIn content this year.

The money Powell earns from her LinkedIn content has been crucial for her as a solo business owner, helping her pay bills and offset monthly business expenses while growing her company. She has made $32,700 through The Em Dash Co. and an additional $2,750 from other social media content so far this year. While her combined income has not surpassed her previous $95,000 annual salary, it has exceeded the $52,100 she earned solely from The Em Dash Co. last year. The success has allowed her to maintain financial stability and pay her bills during times when client work at her agency has been slow.

Powell’s ability to go viral on social media has been attributed to her talent for marrying corporate content with a conversational tone. By injecting enough personality into her posts to make them feel authentic and engaging, she has been able to resonate with her audience. She emphasizes the importance of influencer marketing, noting that people trust individuals more than brands. This trend has led advertisers to spend billions on influencer marketing, as creators provide a level of personality, comfort, and familiarity that brands cannot achieve.

In pursuit of expanding her personal brand on LinkedIn, Powell has been actively seeking out clients for her personal page. Using the same approach she used to find corporate clients for The Em Dash Co., she has been engaging with businesses and promoting her personal brand through sponsored posts and partnerships. She believes that the income potential from her LinkedIn side hustle could soon surpass that of her agency, as businesses increasingly recognize the value of authentic, personal content.

While Powell juggles her day job running The Em Dash Co. with her LinkedIn side hustle, she acknowledges the challenges of managing both endeavors by herself. However, she values the flexibility and freedom that come with being her own boss. Despite uncertainties about income and scheduling, she is considering shifting her focus more towards her personal content on LinkedIn. Her goal is to reach 100,000 followers on the platform by the end of 2025 and potentially transition to becoming a full-time LinkedIn influencer. Ultimately, Powell’s success story exemplifies the power of leveraging personal branding and authenticity on social media to create lucrative opportunities.

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