In the German town of Oersdorf, an exclusive guild known as the “Schiffergesellschaft” has a long-standing tradition of only admitting male members. With over 3000 members, the guild has never allowed women to join, citing a desire to preserve tradition and maintain a sense of brotherhood among its members. The guild, which dates back to the 14th century, is known for its strict adherence to tradition and has resisted modernizing its membership policies.

The guild’s refusal to admit women has sparked controversy in recent years, with some critics accusing the organization of discrimination and sexism. Despite this criticism, the guild has remained steadfast in its decision to exclude women from its ranks. Guild members argue that admitting women would disrupt the brotherhood and camaraderie that they have cultivated over the centuries, and that they have no intention of changing their policies.

The guild’s refusal to admit women has not gone unnoticed by the public, with some calling for a boycott of the organization and questioning its relevance in the modern world. Critics argue that the guild’s exclusionary practices are outdated and out of touch with the values of equality and inclusivity that are increasingly important in society today. However, guild members remain firm in their belief that maintaining tradition is more important than conforming to modern social norms.

Despite the controversy surrounding the guild’s membership policies, its members continue to meet regularly to socialize, network, and engage in traditional activities. The guild organizes events such as dinners, parties, and excursions for its members, providing an opportunity for them to bond and strengthen their sense of community. The guild’s members value the sense of belonging and camaraderie that comes with being part of the organization, and are proud of its long history and traditions.

While some may view the guild’s refusal to admit women as discriminatory, others argue that it is simply a matter of preserving tradition and maintaining the unique culture of the organization. The guild’s members believe that their exclusionary policies are essential to preserving the integrity and identity of the guild, and that admitting women would fundamentally change the nature of the organization. Despite the criticism and controversy, the Schiffergesellschaft remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding its long-standing traditions and values.

In conclusion, the Schiffergesellschaft guild in Oersdorf continues to maintain its policy of excluding women from its membership, citing a desire to preserve tradition and maintain a sense of brotherhood among its members. While this decision has sparked controversy and criticism from some who view it as discriminatory, guild members remain firm in their belief that tradition is more important than conforming to modern social norms. The guild’s members value the sense of belonging and camaraderie that comes with being part of the organization, and are proud of its long history and traditions.

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