The Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association published a survey in February revealing that 34.4 per cent of the country’s internet user population are from Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012. This generation forms the largest percentage of internet users in Indonesia, according to the report. Data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2022 also showed that a significant number of young children in Indonesia under the age of six are already using mobile phones or have access to the internet.

Dr Ivana, a psychiatrist, warned that gadget addiction can lead to deviant behaviors in young people such as emotional disturbances, impulsiveness, and aggression. A case reported in East Java’s Jember involved two siblings, aged 17 and 19, who were addicted to online gaming to the extent that they barely left their rooms for basic activities. Their mother noticed that they no longer recognized their family members, leading to psychiatric treatment for their depression.

In a separate incident in Blitar, a 17-year-old teenager died by suicide after his parents confiscated his mobile phone, which he used for online gaming. Indonesian Child Protection Commission Commissioner Retno Listyarti highlighted the prevalence of mobile phone addiction among young people in various parts of the country. Psychiatric hospitals in Jakarta and West Java have had to open pediatric wards to treat children with mental disorders related to gadget addiction.

Mdm Retno emphasized the importance of children engaging in play and socializing rather than being glued to mobile gadgets, especially with the extended period of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection is finalizing a Presidential Regulation on protecting children from online games, set to be issued later in the year. Deputy Minister for Child Protection Mr. Nahar stated in April that the regulation aims to address crimes such as violence, pornography, sexual harassment, and bullying committed by children under the influence of online games.

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