The Traffic Control Branch teams of the Istanbul Police Department started an investigation after footage of three drivers reversing their vehicles on the side road at the Denizköşkler location on the D-100 highway and endangering traffic, was shared on social media.

The teams were able to identify the drivers’ identities based on the license plate information of the vehicles.

According to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Law, a total of 4,518 liras of administrative fines were imposed on the drivers for “reversing or going back without the conditions specified in the regulation, creating danger or obstacles for those using the road when making these maneuvers in permitted cases.”

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following traffic regulations and ensuring the safety of all road users. The Istanbul Police Department takes such violations seriously and employs measures to enforce traffic laws and maintain order on the roads.

Drivers are urged to be cautious and responsible while driving, to avoid endangering themselves and others. The consequences of negligent or reckless behavior on the road can result in serious penalties and potential harm to individuals and property.

It is crucial for all drivers to prioritize safety, obey traffic rules, and act in a manner that contributes to a safe and orderly traffic environment. Through such efforts, the goal of preventing accidents and promoting a culture of responsible driving can be achieved.

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