The trial at Trabzon 1st High Criminal Court was attended by the defendant Mustafa Kol, the relatives of the victim Aslan, and their lawyers. The judge reminded the defendant that the prosecution was seeking a life sentence for “intentional murder” and 3 to 7 years in prison for “robbery” before giving him the floor to provide his defense. Kol stated that the incident occurred out of a moment of anger and that he did not shoot with the intent to kill, but rather out of fear that the victim might harm him. He expressed regret for the outcome of the incident and offered his condolences to the victim’s family.

After hearing statements from the lawyers and the prosecutor, the court acquitted the defendant of the charge of “robbery” due to lack of definitive evidence. The judge initially sentenced the defendant to life in prison for “intentional murder” but later reduced the sentence to 18 years due to provocation. The defendant was also sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for “unlicensed firearm use.” The case stemmed from a situation where the police found the body of Hüseyin Aslan (52) by a stream in Küçükdere Mahallesi on June 30, 2023, while searching for a missing person. Aslan’s car was found with broken windows on the same road, leading to the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Mustafa Kol.

The court proceedings continued with the victim’s family and the defendant’s statement shedding light on the events that transpired on that fateful day. The defense argued that Kol acted in self-defense, while the prosecution maintained that the defendant’s actions were premeditated. The judge considered all evidence and testimony before reaching a decision on the case. Both parties presented their closing arguments, highlighting their respective perspectives on whether the defendant was guilty of the charges brought against him.

In conclusion, the court handed down its verdict in the case, sentencing Mustafa Kol to 18 years in prison for the “intentional murder” of Hüseyin Aslan. The defendant was also found guilty of “unlicensed firearm use” and received a 2.5-year prison sentence for that charge. The court acquitted Kol of the charge of “robbery” due to insufficient evidence. The verdict marked the end of a lengthy legal process that sought to bring justice to the victim’s family and determine the defendant’s culpability in the tragic events that resulted in the loss of a life. The decision set a precedent for the handling of similar cases in the future.

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