Four people have been detained in connection with a fire that broke out in a forested area in the village of Bekirfakılar in Bolu province, Turkey. The fire, which is believed to have been caused by stubble burning, resulted in the detention of the individuals. Two of the suspects, A.K. and E.K., were arrested on charges of causing a forest fire due to negligence, while the others were released under judicial control.

Efforts to extinguish the fire are ongoing, with the support of 12 helicopters, 138 fire trucks, and 245 vehicles and machinery from Bolu and neighboring provinces. A total of 1357 personnel are working in the area to contain the fire from both air and land.

Governor Erkan Kılıç visited Umurlar village to inspect the situation and receive updates from officials. He emphasized that while the fire is not completely under control, the teams are working intensively to contain it. Kılıç mentioned the presence of various agencies, including AFAD, the Forestry Directorate, health, gendarmerie, police, and Red Crescent, who are coordinating efforts to combat the fire.

Despite initial challenges, Kılıç noted that the situation has improved compared to previous days. He urged citizens to remain vigilant and cooperate with authorities to prevent further incidents. The governor also mentioned the evacuation of 490 individuals, including elderly, women, children, and disabled people, as a precautionary measure.

Regarding concerns about water sources for firefighting, Kılıç assured that there are over 200 lakes and ponds in the region, providing an adequate water supply for the teams. He also addressed the status of the detained individuals, stating that they are landowners in the area. Kılıç commended the rapid response of the Forestry Regional Directorate in tackling the fire and expressed hope for the prevention of future disasters.

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