During the week of May 30 to June 6, Minister Yerlikaya shared data on traffic inspections carried out by the police and gendarmerie traffic teams on his social media account. He stated that a total of 2,540,665 vehicles were inspected during that time period and 260 drivers were fined for using devices that had flashing or audible warning signs (sirens) which are not permitted by law.

Additionally, Minister Yerlikaya mentioned that a total of 409,987 vehicles and drivers were fined for various violations, including 114,082 for speeding, 23,684 for not having a periodic vehicle inspection, 15,872 for not using a seat belt, 15,620 for driving without a driver’s license, and 9,423 for not having mandatory motor vehicle liability insurance.

Minister Yerlikaya emphasized the importance of strictly obeying traffic rules, not speeding, and wearing seat belts. He reminded the public that the purpose of traveling is to reunite with loved ones, not to separate from them. He urged everyone to prioritize safety on the roads and to always keep this in mind.

In his statement, Minister Yerlikaya highlighted the significance of following traffic regulations and ensuring road safety. He also expressed his concern for the well-being of the public and emphasized the importance of responsible driving behavior for the safety of all road users.

The data shared by Minister Yerlikaya indicated a significant number of violations related to speeding, seat belt usage, and other traffic offenses. The fines imposed on drivers who violated traffic rules served as a reminder of the importance of following road safety guidelines for the well-being of everyone on the roads.

Minister Yerlikaya’s efforts to promote road safety through increased traffic inspections and penalties for offenders are aimed at reducing traffic accidents and promoting responsible driving behavior. His message on the importance of safe driving practices resonates with the public and serves as a reminder for all drivers to prioritize safety on the roads.

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