In a major operation named “Operation Skyhawk,” about 150 individuals, including eight Georgia Department of Corrections employees, were arrested for their involvement in a multi-state criminal enterprise that used drones to smuggle drugs, guns, cellphones, and other contraband into Georgia prisons. This effort was a collaboration between the GDC and the FBI in an ongoing crackdown on contraband within correctional facilities. Governor Brian Kemp praised the hardworking men and women of the GDC and law enforcement for their work in shutting down these operations and ensuring the safety of both Georgian communities and correctional facilities.

The investigation into this criminal enterprise revealed the use of drones to aid in smuggling contraband into state prisons in Georgia. This discovery led to over 1,000 criminal charges being filed, ranging from contraband introduction to drug trafficking and felons in possession of firearms. GDC Commissioner Tyrone Oliver emphasized the zero-tolerance policy towards those who threaten the safe operations of correctional facilities and the public’s safety, stating that swift action would be taken against any individuals who engage in criminal activities within or outside of prisons.

Many of those arrested will face Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) charges, making it a significant gang RICO case in Georgia history. The confiscated items during the operation have a combined value of over $7 million, including weapons and drugs. The success of Operation Skyhawk serves as a reminder to all individuals, whether inside or outside prison walls, that criminal activities will not be tolerated, and those involved will be held accountable for their actions.

Governor Kemp reiterated Georgia’s commitment to not tolerating individuals who traffic drugs, weapons, and contraband that put communities at risk. He expressed gratitude towards Commissioner Oliver, the GDC, and law enforcement for their efforts in dismantling these operations and maintaining the safety of the public. The hard work and dedication of the GDC Agents in ensuring that those involved in criminal activities are brought to justice were acknowledged and commended.

The arrests made in connection to the alleged criminal enterprise demonstrate the state’s determination to protect its correctional facilities and communities from the dangers posed by smuggling contraband. The collaboration between the GDC and the FBI in Operation Skyhawk highlights the importance of law enforcement agencies working together to combat criminal activities. In the face of such threats, Georgia remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding law and order and ensuring the safety and security of its residents.

The repercussions of these arrests and the dismantling of the criminal enterprise using drones to smuggle contraband into Georgia prisons will have far-reaching impacts on the safety and security of the state. The significant amount of charges filed and the confiscation of valuable items indicate the scale and seriousness of the criminal activities that were uncovered. The success of Operation Skyhawk reflects the dedication of law enforcement in protecting the public and maintaining the integrity of correctional facilities in Georgia.

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