117-year-old Arzu Sınıroğlu, who lives in the village of Elmalı in the district of Delice in Kırıkkale, went to the muhtar’s office with her daughter Gülkız Sınıroğlu for the Local Government General Elections.

Living in a single-story detached house in her birthplace village with her daughter who suffers from kidney disease, Arzu Sınıroğlu cast her vote at polling station number 1033.

After casting her vote, Arzu was helped into a vehicle by gendarmerie personnel.

Arzu Sınıroğlu stated, “I have cast my vote. I send greetings to my President, doctors, nurses, teachers, and everyone who asks about me.”

At the age of 117, Arzu Sınıroğlu, who has witnessed many changes and developments throughout her life, expressed her gratitude towards those who are important to her.

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