An 11-year-old boy from Lindale, Georgia named Kayden recently lost his mother, Shannon Mount, to a sudden cardiac arrest. Struggling to cope with the loss and the financial burden of his mother’s burial, Kayden took it upon himself to fundraise for her funeral expenses. For two days, he stood beside railroad tracks holding a sign that read, “Please help bury my Mama!”, tugging at the heartstrings of passersby.

Moved by Kayden’s heartbreaking display of love and determination, his cousin and guardian Jennifer Grissom created a GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of Mount’s funeral. Grissom shared the family’s story, highlighting Shannon’s lack of life insurance and Kayden’s desperate plea for assistance. The response from the community was overwhelming, with the fundraiser exceeding its initial goal of $7,100 and raising over $36,000.

Thanks to the outpouring of support, not only will the funeral expenses be covered, but Kayden will also receive additional funds for clothing, school supplies, and a college fund. Grissom and Kayden’s aunt, Jessica Davis, plan to ensure that Kayden can partake in typical childhood activities such as sports and camps, despite the heartbreaking circumstances he has faced.

Described as a “straight shooter” who loved nature and animals, Shannon Mount leaves behind five children, including Kayden, and a grandchild. Her funeral will be held on July 27 at the Good Shepherd Funeral Home, allowing her loved ones to say their final goodbyes and honor her memory. The community has rallied around the family, offering condolences, prayers, and words of support during this difficult time.

The tragic story of Kayden and his mother Shannon Mount has touched the hearts of many, prompting an outpouring of generosity and kindness from strangers and community members. Despite the sorrow and challenges they face, the family is grateful for the support and love they have received during this trying time. Kayden’s resilience and determination in the face of adversity serve as a powerful reminder of the strength and compassion that can emerge from even the darkest of circumstances.

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