The European mission, known as Operation ‘Aspides,’ has achieved success in preventing attacks by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. Since its launch less than two months ago, the mission has repelled eleven attacks and escorted 16 ships safely across the Red Sea. This operation was initiated in response to the increased number of Houthi attacks on merchant vessels following the start of the Israel-Hamas war. The rebel group, which views Israel as an enemy, has been targeting ships in the region, resulting in delays and increased costs for trade routes to Europe.

The Houthis have carried out a total of 80 attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, resulting in casualties and disruptions to trade routes. The European Union’s goal in launching Operation ‘Aspides’ is to ensure the freedom and safety of navigation in the region. Despite the Houthis’ positioning themselves as defenders of the Palestinian cause, the EU’s primary objective is to protect trade routes and maintain maritime security. The attacks by the rebel group have led to significant delays for merchant ships, with some voyages taking 10-14 days longer than usual to reach Europe.

With 13% of world trade passing through the Red Sea, the disruptions caused by the Houthi attacks have had far-reaching consequences for global commerce. Prior to the attacks, 70 ships used to pass through the Suez Canal daily, but now only half of that number are able to navigate the waterway due to security concerns. The EU has mobilized resources from four member states to contribute to the mission, with a total of 19 countries participating in the operation. European ships have intercepted various threats, including unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned surface vessels, and ballistic missiles in their efforts to protect commercial vessels in the region.

Operation ‘Aspides’ is primarily focused on responding to attacks and escorting ships through high-risk areas rather than initiating offensive missions. The operations commander, Rear Admiral Vasilios Gryparis, highlights the importance of coordination with other operations in the area, such as the mainly American Operation Prosperity Guardian. The EU’s involvement in maritime security in the region aims to contain the spread of conflict and ensure the safety of commercial shipping routes. By working together with international partners and maintaining a strong presence in the region, the European mission has successfully deterred Houthi attacks and protected merchant vessels in the Red Sea.

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