105-year-old Texas grandfather LaVerne Biser has been an avid “eclipse chaser” since 1963, when he saw his first solar eclipse in Maine. Since then, he has traveled around the world with his late wife to witness as many solar eclipses as possible, visiting locations such as Brazil, the Black Sea, and the Virgin Islands in pursuit of the best viewpoints. Biser, who worked as a plane designer for General Dynamics, developed his love for astronomy during his high school years in rural Ohio and has since built his own telescopes to observe celestial events.

Biser’s daughter, Carol Biser Barlow, recalls how her father’s passion for eclipses shaped their family vacations, with trips to different states and countries becoming a regular occurrence. Biser’s love for solar eclipses has had a significant impact on his family, even influencing the choice of dates for Barlow’s wedding. Despite his advanced age, Biser’s granddaughter is driving him to his 13th total solar eclipse viewing in Plano, where he hopes to capture what could be his last eclipse on camera as he turns 106 in June. The next total solar eclipse visible from the US will not be for another two decades, making this viewing even more special for Biser.

Biser’s dedication to witnessing solar eclipses has led him on numerous adventures and provided him with a unique perspective on the universe. He views each eclipse as a reminder of humanity’s place in the cosmos and the beauty of nature. Despite having seen multiple total eclipses, Biser remains in awe of the phenomenon, describing the dark sky in the middle of the day as a sight like no other. His passion for eclipses has only grown over the years, with each viewing leaving him feeling grateful and fortunate to witness such a rare spectacle.

As Biser prepares to watch his 13th total solar eclipse, he reflects on his lifelong pursuit of this astronomical wonder and the joy it has brought him. With the support of his family, Biser continues to chase eclipses, hoping to experience one more before he is no longer able to. His dedication to capturing these moments on camera and sharing them with others illustrates his deep connection to the stars and the beauty of the natural world. For Biser, each eclipse is a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the fleeting nature of life, making each viewing a cherished experience.

Despite his age and the challenges that come with it, Biser’s determination to witness one more solar eclipse is a testament to his spirit and love for astronomy. His journey as an eclipse chaser has been filled with adventure, shared with loved ones, and documented through photographs lining the walls of his home. As he prepares to watch what may be his last eclipse, Biser’s hope for clear weather and the chance to experience another awe-inspiring event in the sky showcases his enduring passion and appreciation for the natural world. For Biser, each solar eclipse is a reminder of the beauty and mystery of the universe, a sight that never fails to amaze and inspire him.

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