President Biden has a history of trying to tie himself to various ethnic groups and cultures. At a White House celebration for Greek Independence Day, he mentioned being called “Biden-opoulos” in his home state of Delaware. He credited his early political success to the Greek American community, stating that he believed every Greek American in Delaware had voted for him during his 1972 Senate campaign. This is not the first time Biden has referred to his Greek-inspired nickname; in 2009, he called himself an “honorary Greek.”

Biden has made similar attempts to relate himself to other ethnicities and communities. At a reception celebrating the Jewish New Year in 2022, he told Jewish Americans that he went to synagogue more than they did. He has also claimed to have been raised by the Puerto Rican community politically. In responding to criticism about his connection to the Black community, he stated that he comes from a Black community and has spent his career with Black Americans.

In attempting to connect with Italian and Polish communities, Biden has highlighted his Irish ancestry and Catholic religion. He has stated that he grew up in heavily Irish Catholic and Italian Polish communities in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Biden has often mentioned his Irish heritage, such as his quote in 2021 about the Irish being nostalgic for the future. This effort to align himself with various ethnic groups is part of Biden’s larger attempt to build relationships and acknowledge the diversity of the American population.

In his remarks at the White House, Biden continued to emphasize his connections to different cultures and communities, demonstrating a pattern of making statements that attempt to establish common ground with various ethnic groups. While his efforts have been met with some criticism and backlash, Biden continues to assert his affiliations and relationships with different communities throughout the country. These comments and assertions showcase Biden’s desire to bridge gaps and connect with a wide range of Americans, using his own background and experiences as a means of reaching out to others.

Biden’s attempts to align himself with various ethnic groups and backgrounds highlight his interest in reaching out to and connecting with diverse communities across the country. His statements about his connections to the Greek, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Black, Italian, Polish, and Irish communities demonstrate a desire to build relationships and acknowledge the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the American population. While some of his comments have been met with criticism, Biden continues to make efforts to connect with different groups and emphasize his shared values and experiences with a wide range of Americans.

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